Some suggest that Apple is an anomaly and does not reflect the economy. To truly understand the state of the economy, they say, means to subtract Apple from it. But I feel this is exactly wrong. Apple is, through the iPhone and iOS ecosystems, defining this era. Just like Microsoft defined an era of increased productivity through the creation of the “knowledge worker”, or like GM re-defined transportation and the notion of the brand in the 50′s, or like IBM re-defined business process efficiency with automation in the 60′s and 70′s, these companies were not anomalies of their era. They were the eras. They were the locomotives of growth that taught other companies how to operate and the contemporary managers how to manage.

Companies that study Apple today will benefit by understanding how it re-wrote the rules. The anomaly is the norm. The exception is the rule. The times they are indeed a-changin’.

What is disruption and how can it be harnessed?[1], Horace Dediu, Asymco

Horace Dediu na Asymco publikoval pěkný historický pohled na vývoj ročních prodejů PC, do kterého zakomponoval i neskutečně rychle nastupující mobilní zařízení.

The “entrants” into personal computing, the iPad, iPhone and Android, have a combined volume that is higher than the PCs sold in the same period (358 million estimated iOS+Android vs. 336 million PCs excluding Macs in 2011.) The growth rate and the scale itself combine to make the entrants impossible to ignore.

Počet kusů prodaných ročně

Zdroj Asymco

Proměna klasického PC na to, co Steve Jobs označil za „náklaďák” půjde rychle. A co bude po „mobile”? Tipnul bych „wearable”. Pak (a během toho) už je začneme zabudovávat do sebe.

Via Daring Fireball